Category Archives: Useful Tools for Affiliates

Autoresponder Comparison

Before I start this autoresponder comparison, here’s a quick overview:

An autoresponder is an automatic email system. You can use it to follow up with customers who have expressed an interest in whatever it is you are offering. Or you can use it to send out a pre-written newsletter at intervals determined by you. Or you can use it to send a news broadcast to your contacts.

At its simplest, an autoresponder is a service for sending out emails without you having to remember to do it. You can split up your lists, so that people who contacted you about, say, weight loss don’t get sent messages about growing vegetables or whatever.

The better services also allow you to put in rules so that when a potential customer turns into a buyer, the list they are subscribed to is changed. So instead of getting messages asking them to buy a product, they get messages on how to get the most from it.

So which autoresponder should you use?

That’s what this autoresponder comparison is here to help with…

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What is Squidoo and How It Can Help Affiliate Sales

What is Squidoo?

Squidoo is a simple way to boost your affiliate sales.

It lets you create as many one page websites as you like. Each one is focused on a single topic – Squidoo call the web pages you create a “lens” because of this focus.

You are then free to do near enough whatever you like on your lens, including adding affiliate links into it. Continue reading