How to Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff is messy and it’s a pain to keep having to flick bits of dead skin from your clothes, chairs, furniture, etc, so the question is how to get rid of dandruff? Seemingly everywhere you go, you’re leaving a trail of white dandruff flecks behind you.

You’ve probably tried Head and Shoulders and other shampoos designed to get rid of dandruff.

Maybe they helped to get rid of dandruff, maybe they didn’t. Maybe they worked for a while and then the dandruff crept back.

Maybe you gave up on them like I did when you read about the nasty ingredients such as Sodium Laureth/Lauryl Sulphate, innocently “derived from coconut”.

Ideas on how to get rid of dandruffhow to get rid of dandruff

And, like me, you’ve probably still been left with no answer to the question of how to get rid of dandruff. Sure, shampooing more often helps get rid of the flakes. But it takes all the life out of your hair and is just disguising the problem.

Despite some common misconceptions, you can get dandruff whether you’ve got a dry scalp or an oily one.

Commercial anti-dandruff shampoos use different chemicals to combat your dandruff. Check for these in the small print on the label:

  • Zinc pyrithione, found in Head and Shoulders classic, this works with dandruff caused by yeast and fungus. If you start with this, carry on until the course is finished or expect your dandruff to return with a vengeance.
  • Ketoconazole, found in Nizoral. Works similarly to zinc pyrithione except you need to continue using it forever.
  • Selenium sulfide. Often only works while you’re still using the shampoo.
  • Coal tar. A by-product of distilling coal and a listed carcinogen.
  • Salicylic acid is used to help your scalp shed excess skin.

Do yourself a favor and read up more on these ingredients before you subject your body to them. It’s not as easy to find shampoos without nasty ingredients but it is possible.

Natural Treatments for Dandruff

These are some of the best natural ways to get rid of dandruff:

  • Tea tree oil should be massaged into your scalp and left there for 15 minutes. Then rinse it away with clear water.
  • Use a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice for the last rinse of your hair, making sure you rinse completely.
  • Aloe vera gel, generously rubbed into your scalp about 10 minutes before you wash your hair. Then shampoo as normal.
  • Rub olive oil onto your scalp and leave it there for a few minutes before washing it off.
  • Instead of using shampoo, rub baking soda into your hair and scalp. Give it time to absorb your natural oil and the dead skin. Then rinse it out, but don’t use a shampoo at all. Keep at this one – it takes a few weeks to have an effect but once you’ve got there, you’ll have dandruff-free, shiny hair at last.
  • Check your diet – my dandruff has near enough disappeared since I started the Harcombe diet.

Other Treatments for Dandruff

By now, you should have plenty of ideas to help you to live a life free from dandruff.

Personally, I’m all in favor of using natural treatments wherever possible. Because they’re natural, we’ve been using them for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Any problems or side effects would have been apparent long ago.

Making your own preparations is one way but we don’t always get enough time in our busy modern lives to be able to do this.

In my research, I came across a simple natural dandruff remedy that can be prepared in just ten minutes and will help you sort out your dandruff quickly and easily. According to the reviews it also rejuvenates your hair (my hair isn’t thinning, so I can’t testify to that).

Click here to get rid of dandruff now!