How To Win Contests Review

How To Win Contests makes the bold claim that it can help you win competitions, contests and sweepstakes.

You’ve probably seen lots of contests around. Half the television shows seem to have some kind of  “Text A, B or C” to a premium rate number for the outside chance of winning a prize.

But we’re not talking about that kind of contest, which are close to being a lottery – the answer is usually blindingly obvious and was probably mentioned on the show seconds before the quiz appeared.

Instead, the guide concentrates on entering all the other contests that are all over the place…

What’s in How to Win Contests?

You’ve probably seen them. These contests and sweepstakes require you to answer some kind of tie-breaker question or a slogan.How to win contests

And you’ve probably run a mile rather than enter. Or written something so lame that a ten year old would be embarrassed by it.

These kind of competitions are all over the internet as well as on products in the supermarket and in magazines and newspapers.

Prizes vary considerably. A quick search while I was doing this review turned up a £2,000 holiday prize, a year of toys, ghost hunting, a Nike training top, a Legoland holiday for 4 people, and many more.

The techniques discussed in How To Win Contests apply to any of these contests, whether they’re on the internet or out in the real world.

Most of the slogans written for contests fall into the “boring” category and this guide does its best to take your slogans from being ordinary to being good enough to win. This is backed up by the spectacular guarantee that if you haven’t won at least ten times what you pay for this guide over the next six months, they’ll refund your purchase.

The second chapter tells you the best places to look to find competitions to enter. 7 different major places to look are covered in this chapter. It also discusses the kind of competition where the entries are so low, you’re almost bound to win.

(I can relate to that – years ago when I was working in a busy shop, one contest they ran only attracted enough entries to cover the number of prizes on offer.)

Chapter 3 deals with answering the questions that you’ll need to get right before you get to the all important tie breaker. You probably already know to double check things you’re not sure about. This chapter covers finding the best resources to make sure you get the correct answers. If you don’t do this properly, you run the risk of being knocked out before your slogan is even considered.

Apart from the factual type of question, chapter 3 deals with 9 other common question sections you’re likely to come across and how to deal with each of them.

The bulk of the How To Win Contests report deals with how to write catchy slogans and tie breakers.

These are often along the lines of completing a sentence in no more than 12 words. You know the kind of thing: “I’d like a pamper day because …”

There’s lots of advice on writing slogans that are more likely to win, including 6 qualities that are found in most winning slogans, followed by 25 different methods you can use with your tie breakers to help your entry stand out from the crowd.

Once you’ve started building up your confidence, the report has a series of slogan writing tests that you can play with to see how you’re getting on.

You’re given three actual slogan writing contests and once you’ve come up with your slogan, you can see the ones that were actually picked by the judges.

The final section of the report covers some tips to make sure that your entry doesn’t get rejected before your slogan has even been read.

How To Win Contests comes with three bonus items.

The first one has 55 pages of actual winning slogans from a wide variety of contests. This is an excellent way of getting inside the mind of the judges of this kind of competition. Taking the time to read this through should have you rattling off winning slogans almost in your sleep.

The second item is the same slogan writing template that the author, Nick Daws, uses to generate his own slogans.

The third bonus item is a lifetime subscription to the Winning Lines contest newsletter. This contains news about the latest competitions that Nick Daws has come across and gives details of the prizes on offer, any slogans you need to complete, closing date and the URLs where you can make your entry. It’s a quick way to be reminded to enter new competitions on a regular basis.


How To Win Contests is an excellent guide to help increase your chance of winning all sorts of competitions and contests.

It’s well explained and the bonus of actual winning slogans is worth the price of the guide in itself.

And there’s also the money back guarantee if you don’t win at least ten times the price of this inexpensive guide within six months of purchase.

Click here to get your copy of How To Win Contests for instant download.

5 thoughts on “How To Win Contests Review

  1. Sweepstakes and Contests

    This seems to be like an interesting guide for a big fan of sweepstakes like me!
    Thanks for the review

  2. Roger

    I never expected to find a guide for this sort of thing, but I’ll definitely give it a shot — thanks for the post!

  3. Jess

    I’m quite curious about this guide, but not for contests… recently, I was hired as a copywriter for an upcoming ad firm. I’m a writer, but I’m learning how to write better slogans. This guide actually sounds perfect!

  4. david miller

    What a handy review! I rarely enter contests because I think it is a waste of effort but obviously there is a knack to it all. I must brush up my slogan writing 😉

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