Memoir Writing: Tips On Writing A Memoir

Memoir writing can be time consuming and exhausting if you are unsure of how to go about it. Many people write memoirs for many different reasons and for any of these reasons here are a few tips to help you along the way.memoir writing

Focus as you write. You know what you want to say, but sometimes our mind can get ahead of us and you might end up putting it down in the wrong way, etc. Continue reading

Photo Saver Review: Undelete Files From Your Camera

If you’ve ever accidentally pressed the “delete” key on your digital camera, you’ll know the heart-sinking feeling that your photo has been lost forever – but can Photo Saver come to the rescue?

It’s almost as if modern cameras were designed to help you lose your favorite photos.

Fortunately, there is an answer to this problem: Photo Saver. Continue reading

Photo Eraser Review

When you press “delete” on your digital camera, the photo isn’t actually erased as you’ll find out if you get hold of a program like Photo Eraser.

Deleting photos on your camera works much the same way as deleting files on your hard drive – for speed, the space is marked as available for re-use. But apart from a small indicator that shows the photo up on the available list, it’s really still there.

Which isn’t normally a problem…

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Daily Inspirational Quotes

Sometimes it’s good to have a few uplifting moments, just to make the day go better and faster – which is where daily inspirational quotes can help. Changing your mood for the better, even for just a few seconds, has a remarkably positive effect on the rest of your day.

Without doubt, one of the easiest ways to do this is to get sent an inspirational quote daily.

There are lots of different services out there that offer these:

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Ultimate Registry Cleaner Review

Ultimate Registry Cleaner gets to the Windows Registry, the dark heart of Windows. The registry is a bit like the boiler room in horror movies. And at least as scary.

It holds all sorts of information – program settings (Microsoft’s programs and other  ones as well), hardware settings (think hard drives, CD/DVD writers, graphics cards), most all of your user settings (it remembers where that window should open and what size it should be for instance).

And it’s not unheard of for  the registry to get confused…

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How To Develop Telepathy

What is telepathy and what steps can you take to develop telepathy and become more telepathic?

How do you develop telepathy?

Telepathy is that small inner voice within all of us. It is a form of energy that is a natural connection to our survival as well as our communication instincts.

Telepathy is also a process of stimulation in the mind. Telepathy cannot be seen. It is only felt. When humans are babies, telepathy is used daily until the ability to use speech is learned.
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How To Win Contests Review

How To Win Contests makes the bold claim that it can help you win competitions, contests and sweepstakes.

You’ve probably seen lots of contests around. Half the television shows seem to have some kind of  “Text A, B or C” to a premium rate number for the outside chance of winning a prize.

But we’re not talking about that kind of contest, which are close to being a lottery – the answer is usually blindingly obvious and was probably mentioned on the show seconds before the quiz appeared.

Instead, the guide concentrates on entering all the other contests that are all over the place…

What’s in How to Win Contests?

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Blushing Cure: How To Stop Blushing For Good

blushing cureFor most people, blushing is normal but it’s still a good idea to search for a blushing cure to stop your face turning red at the slightest provocation.

Normally people react by blushing when they have an embarrassing moment or situation, or an event that occurs to make them embarrassed.

However, some people blush excessively, seemingly at anything – not just a quick blush from an embarrassing comment. They probably need a blushing cure more than most.

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Coping With Jealousy

Jealousy occurs in most human relationships at one time or another but we need to develop methods of coping with jealousy otherwise it will begin to eat us alive. Whether your relationship is an intimate one, a friendship, or just co-workers, it is not immune to the possibility of jealousy.

Jealousy can be thought of as those feelings you have when you perceive that your relationship is under attack. It can come about from your own insecurities about themselves and your relationships. This feeling is responsible for some very bad behavior exhibited by people who could not control their jealousy. From physical abuse to harsher abuse, the feeling has gotten many in serious trouble. How then can you start coping with jealousy? Continue reading